Education Day

Held annually in September, this is a day dedicated to sharing the experiences of our forefathers with today’s younger people. It is the blending of the old with the new, exposing the younger people of today with the experiences that many of us, and our parents, grew up with. These are experiences that were everyday life to many of us. If not for the volunteers that are committed to sharing these experiences, many of these activities would become lost arts.

The 5th graders of Mason, Oceana, and surrounding counties are invited every year to attend this event, along with their teachers and chaperones. They receive a grounds map and a list of questions they can ask the volunteers at each of the stations. These are working displays, many of them providing the children with the opportunity to actively participate in the experience.

They will see activities such as use of crosscut tools, rope making, sawmill in production, threshing and baling straw, cooking on a wood stove, making apple cider, grinding various grains and producing flour, quilting, basket weaving, and many more displays. They will be more than 50 different areas of interest for them.

Our day begins at 9:00am and is finished at 2:30pm, with time out for lunch. Each child brings his own bag lunch. Great Lakes Energy will also provide a “Safety with Electricity” program. There will be a few door prizes given at this time.

Although this day is dedicated to our younger generation, all generations are welcome.

For information contact Marri Olmsted at 231-510-1376

See the Calendar of Events page for this year’s date